Our Choose & cut lot CLOSES AT 5pm
Tree Care
Caring for your fresh cut Christmas tree is much like caring for a fresh bouquet of flowers. Both should have a fresh cut on the stem, should be placed in water as soon as possible, and should never be allowed to dry out. However, your Christmas tree will retain its freshness and beauty long past the time that those flowers would!
Moisture is the most important factor to consider in maintaining your fresh cut Real Christmas tree.
Immediately upon receiving your tree, cut 1/2 inch from the butt and place the tree in a stand or temporary bucket of water. Stands that hold about 1 gallon of water are most appropriate since it is important to never let the water level decline below the fresh cut.We will make a fresh cut to the butt of the tree, or you can do it yourself when you get home. All trees must have a fresh cut before placing them in a water stand.
If the water level does drop below the butt of the tree, your cut will heal over and your tree will stop accepting water. The only remedy would be to pull your tree back out of the stand and make another fresh cut on the butt.
It is also important to spray your tree with water when it is first received because trees absorb moisture not only through their root system but also through their needles. Repeated spraying is not necessary but would be helpful if it is practical.
Noble fir Oregon Christmas trees are the longest lasting cut trees of the 3 species we grow. They will often survive up to 6 weeks if proper care is given. Douglas fir Oregon Christmas trees and Grand fir Oregon Christmas trees have shorter life spans and will begin to dry out in 3-4 weeks after unbundling.
Caring for your fresh cut Christmas tree is much like caring for a fresh bouquet of flowers. Both should have a fresh cut on the stem, should be placed in water as soon as possible, and should never be allowed to dry out. However, your Christmas tree will retain its freshness and beauty long past the time that those flowers would!
Moisture is the most important factor to consider in maintaining your fresh cut Real Christmas tree.
Immediately upon receiving your tree, cut 1/2 inch from the butt and place the tree in a stand or temporary bucket of water. Stands that hold about 1 gallon of water are most appropriate since it is important to never let the water level decline below the fresh cut.We will make a fresh cut to the butt of the tree, or you can do it yourself when you get home. All trees must have a fresh cut before placing them in a water stand.
If the water level does drop below the butt of the tree, your cut will heal over and your tree will stop accepting water. The only remedy would be to pull your tree back out of the stand and make another fresh cut on the butt.
It is also important to spray your tree with water when it is first received because trees absorb moisture not only through their root system but also through their needles. Repeated spraying is not necessary but would be helpful if it is practical.
Noble fir Oregon Christmas trees are the longest lasting cut trees of the 3 species we grow. They will often survive up to 6 weeks if proper care is given. Douglas fir Oregon Christmas trees and Grand fir Oregon Christmas trees have shorter life spans and will begin to dry out in 3-4 weeks after unbundling.
Flocked Trees
So what exactly is flocking? At its core, flocking means attaching tiny fibers to a surface to create texture. The material includes paper pulp as fiber, corn starch as adhesive, and boron as a flame retardant there’s a safety benefit to flocking.
Here at Battaglia Ranch Christmas Tree Farm we design and create trees for retail sales that are ready to be picked up or you can pick any tree and we can custom flock to you specific liking.
Keep in mind this is a wet process, the cure time depends on the ambient temperature and the amount of humidity for a given day the application was applied. The recommended minimum drying time is 24 hours.
Wrapping the flocked tree in plastic is the best way to transport a flocked tree to your home. Don’t worry we will provide the plastic you need to get this accomplished.
In 2016 was not the first year we have created these colorful masterpieces, but the process did get national attention whereas it was featured by the TODAY show.
This year 2020 we will only offer WHITE Flocking for trees. Our selection of color flocked or color painted trees we do hope to have next year.

If your looking to add color to your Christmas Tree but don't want the occasional clean up that often comes with a flocked tree. We offer a painted solution. These color enhancements will keep your Christmas Tree looking colorful and healthy all throughout the 2019 season.
We have a vast amount of colors to choose from while supplies last:
Dark Blue
We have a vast amount of colors to choose from while supplies last:
Dark Blue